I am an ardent and skilled Cloud Engineer who is passionate about delivering exceptional service to professional business clients. My areas of experience are built around analyzing, troubleshooting and providing solutions to technical issues focused around cloud solutions. My interest lies in Software Development, Dev Ops, A.I, Data Science, Cyber-Security and Photography.

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Custom domain name configuration for APIM endpoints in Microsoft Azure

By Oladipupo Olimene
Azure APIM

When you create an Azure API Management service instance, Azure assigns it a sub domain of *.azure-api.net (for example, apim-service-name.azure-api.net). However, you can expose your API Management endpoints using your own custom domain name, such as theoots.com. This tutorial shows you how to map an existing custom DNS name to endpoints exposed by an API Management instance Read More.

Migrating managed Developer portal between APIM services

By Oladipupo Olimene
Azure APIM

The developer portal supports programmatic access to content. It allows you to extract the data from or upload it to your API Management service through the content management REST API To simplify automation of this process, a script has been prepared for that purpose which is available here scripts/migrate.js Read More.

Enforcing all requests to APIM over HTTPS

By Oladipupo Olimene
Azure APIM

Occasionally, your architecture may require that you find a way to disable port 80 in API Management service so that it does NOT respond at all to HTTP requests but only HTTPS requests Read More.